A Paolo Sorrentino e Toni Servillo sembrerà di essere in una trasposizione hollywoodiana del loro bellissimo film La Grande Bellezza visto che da circa un mese e mezzo, ovvero da quando hanno vinto il Globe e sono stati candidati all'Oscar, si trovano in una girandola di feste, cerimonie, cocktails, cene, pranzi e via dicendo!
Paolo Sorrentino, director of the Italian Oscar winning movie The Great Beauty, in the last month and a half has probably felt like its screenplay has been moved from Rome to Los Angeles since, just like his protagonist, he has participated from the Globes to the Oscars in a bunch of parties, ceremonies, cocktails and so on!
Paolo Sorrentino, director of the Italian Oscar winning movie The Great Beauty, in the last month and a half has probably felt like its screenplay has been moved from Rome to Los Angeles since, just like his protagonist, he has participated from the Globes to the Oscars in a bunch of parties, ceremonies, cocktails and so on!
Il 2 marzo i nostri eroi ha rappresentato al meglio il cinema italiano al Dolby Theater vincendo la statuetta come Miglior Film Straniero, ma di sicuro si sono goduti anche il dopo cerimonia che, come da copione, prevede il meglio del divertimento da star: cena al Governor's Ball preparata dallo chef Wolfgang Puck, festa super esclusiva di Vanity Fair e after party a casa di Madonna!
On the 2nd of March our hero has represented the Italian cinema at the Dolby Theater and for sure, with the statue in his hands, he had a lot of fun also after the ceremony at the usual Governor's Ball dinner prepared by chef Wolfgang Puck followed by the exclusive Vanity Fair Party and the even more exclusive after party at Madonna's.
On the 2nd of March our hero has represented the Italian cinema at the Dolby Theater and for sure, with the statue in his hands, he had a lot of fun also after the ceremony at the usual Governor's Ball dinner prepared by chef Wolfgang Puck followed by the exclusive Vanity Fair Party and the even more exclusive after party at Madonna's.
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Chef Puck composed for the dinner a menu of 50 dishes, most of which vegetarian or vegan. His winning recipes will be the appetizers and desserts looking like the statue, mac&cheese with truffles and salmon pizza!
Per una cena in onore all'assegnazione della statuetta a La Grande Bellezza vi consiglio di preparare un secondo di pesce che e' stato servito alla cena ufficiale al Governor's Ball...giusto per sentirvi anche voi un po' delle star da Oscar!
If you want to prepare a dinner honoring the Academy Awards night first of all you should cook the recipe loved by the protagonist of the movie The Great Beauty, Risotto with Vegetables, and as a second course one of the dishes served at the Governor's Ball dinner!
If you want to prepare a dinner honoring the Academy Awards night first of all you should cook the recipe loved by the protagonist of the movie The Great Beauty, Risotto with Vegetables, and as a second course one of the dishes served at the Governor's Ball dinner!
Ingredients: 2 salmon fillets, 80gr of chopped almonds, 20gr of fresh ginger, 1 small spoon of ginger powder, 1 small spoon of sesame, 20gr of butter, white wine, lemon juice, thyme, chives, oil, salt, pepper.
Preparate la farcia mischiando in una scodella il burro ammorbidito con un cucchiaio di succo di limone con erba cipollina, timo, sesamo, granella di mandorle, zenzero fresco tritato e zenzero in polvere. Aggiungete anche 2 cucchiai di vino bianco.
Prepare the filling whisking in a bowl the butter with a spoon of lemon juice, chives, thyme, sesame, almonds, fresh and powder ginger. Add 2 spoons of white wine.
Praticate un taglio orizzontale all'interno del filetto in modo da creare una tasca e farcite. Ponete i filetti in una pirofila cospargendoli con sale, pepe, un po' di vino bianco e granella di mandorle.
Cut the fillet in the middle in order to create a pocket where you can insert the filling. Put the fillets in the oven at 200 degrees celsius for 10 minutes after sprinkling with salt, pepper, white wine and almonds.
Cuocete a 200 gradi per 10 minuti.
Prepare the filling whisking in a bowl the butter with a spoon of lemon juice, chives, thyme, sesame, almonds, fresh and powder ginger. Add 2 spoons of white wine.
Praticate un taglio orizzontale all'interno del filetto in modo da creare una tasca e farcite. Ponete i filetti in una pirofila cospargendoli con sale, pepe, un po' di vino bianco e granella di mandorle.
Cut the fillet in the middle in order to create a pocket where you can insert the filling. Put the fillets in the oven at 200 degrees celsius for 10 minutes after sprinkling with salt, pepper, white wine and almonds.
Cuocete a 200 gradi per 10 minuti.
Como siempre, una delicia venir a visitarte. Un abrazo.
RispondiEliminaGracias!!!! I love movies&food and nothing is better than the Oscars :)