Per la terza puntata di Indovina chi viene…al cine su Radio Deejay vi organizzo una bella seratina piccante!
For the third episode of my radio show "Guess who is coming to…the movies" I'll help you put together a spicy evening!
Indocina, anni '20: la ragazza francese e l'uomo cinese si incontrano su un traghetto in transito sul fiume Mekong, lei sta tornando a scuola a Saigon dopo le vacanze lui le offre un passaggio sulla sua lussuosa macchina. Inizia così una relazione passionale e malinconica che ha stregato il mondo e rimane nella storia del cinema come uno dei film più sensuali mai girati.
Indocina, '20s: the French girl and the Chinese man meet on a ferry crossing the Mekong. She is going back to school after the holidays and he offers her a ride on his expensive car. Their intense and passionate sexual relationship bewitches the world and becomes one of the most sensual movies ever shot.
For the third episode of my radio show "Guess who is coming to…the movies" I'll help you put together a spicy evening!
Indocina, anni '20: la ragazza francese e l'uomo cinese si incontrano su un traghetto in transito sul fiume Mekong, lei sta tornando a scuola a Saigon dopo le vacanze lui le offre un passaggio sulla sua lussuosa macchina. Inizia così una relazione passionale e malinconica che ha stregato il mondo e rimane nella storia del cinema come uno dei film più sensuali mai girati.
Indocina, '20s: the French girl and the Chinese man meet on a ferry crossing the Mekong. She is going back to school after the holidays and he offers her a ride on his expensive car. Their intense and passionate sexual relationship bewitches the world and becomes one of the most sensual movies ever shot.
Sara' perche' si svolge in un mondo esotico e lontano, sarà perche' lei e' una giovane lolita e lui un affascinante seduttore, sara' perche' dall'inizio si capisce che non c'e' nessuna possibilità che la loro relazione prettamente erotica abbia una svolta romantica.
Probably because everything occurs in a far and exotic location, or because she is a young lolita and he lets himself be fascinated by her, or maybe even because we understand from the beginning that their erotic encounters will never translate in a romantic relationship.
Probably because everything occurs in a far and exotic location, or because she is a young lolita and he lets himself be fascinated by her, or maybe even because we understand from the beginning that their erotic encounters will never translate in a romantic relationship.
Oppure sara' perche' ogni movimento catturato dalla macchina da presa nella stanza in penombra dove si consuma la loro passione ci tocca nel profondo e ci risveglia ricordi e sensazioni.
I think it is also because every movements captured by the camera in a the room where their passion is expressed touches us deeply and wakes up memories and sensations.
I think it is also because every movements captured by the camera in a the room where their passion is expressed touches us deeply and wakes up memories and sensations.
Guardate questo film insieme alla vostra dolce meta' accompagnandolo con un menu' a base di Zenzero e il gioco e' fatto…infatti si dice che questa spezia asiatica abbia lo stesso effetto della famosa pillolina blu tanto da risvegliare il desiderio femminile e potenziare quello maschile.
Watch this movie with you lover while eating a menu spiced up with Ginger and the deed is done! In Fact, this Asian spice is renown to have the same effects of the famous blue pill :)
Watch this movie with you lover while eating a menu spiced up with Ginger and the deed is done! In Fact, this Asian spice is renown to have the same effects of the famous blue pill :)
Naturalmente se dopo aver mangiato tutto questo zenzero vi lanciate tra le lenzuola invece di vedere la fine del film….tanto meglio per voi!
Of course, if after finishing dinner you'll end up in bed instead of watching the end of the movie….I will totally understand it!
Of course, if after finishing dinner you'll end up in bed instead of watching the end of the movie….I will totally understand it!
Una ricetta vietnamita veloce e gustosissima, decidete voi la quantità di spezie da usare in base alla vostra voglia di piccante :)
An easy and very tasty Vietnamese recipe: decide for yourself the quantity of spices you want to use...
An easy and very tasty Vietnamese recipe: decide for yourself the quantity of spices you want to use...
Ingredienti: 250gr di gamberetti, 2 cucchiai di salsa di soia, zucchero, aceto, 1/2 peperone rosso, 1/2 cipolla rossa, peperoncino in polvere, zenzero tritato, olio di semi.
Ingredients: 250gr of shrimps, 2 spoons of soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, 1/2 red bell pepper, 1/2 onion, red pepper flakes, ginger, vegetable oil.
Usate i gamberetti/gamberi pelati e teneteli in frigo fino al momento di usarli. Una terrina mescolate la salsa di soia, un cucchiaio di zucchero, un cucchiaio di aceto e la cipolla affettata molto sottile (se mangerete entrambi la cipolla non ci sono problemi :) altrimenti lasciatela solo per insaporire la salsa e poi toglietela). In una padella fate saltare in un cucchiaio di olio molto caldo i gamberetti con il peperone tagliato a fettine sottili, lo zenzero e il peperoncino per circa 4 minuti.
Peel the shrimps (or buy them like myself peeled and pre cooked) and keep them in the fridge till the moment before stir frying. In a small bowl mix the soy sauce with a spoon of sugar, a spoon of vinegar and the onion thinly minced (if you'll both eat the onion there is no problem, if one of you does not like it take it off before adding it to the shrimps). In a pan heat up a spoon of oil and stir fry for a few minutes the shrimps, the red bell pepper thinly cut, ginger and red pepper flakes.
Peel the shrimps (or buy them like myself peeled and pre cooked) and keep them in the fridge till the moment before stir frying. In a small bowl mix the soy sauce with a spoon of sugar, a spoon of vinegar and the onion thinly minced (if you'll both eat the onion there is no problem, if one of you does not like it take it off before adding it to the shrimps). In a pan heat up a spoon of oil and stir fry for a few minutes the shrimps, the red bell pepper thinly cut, ginger and red pepper flakes.
Aggiungete anche la salsa di soia aromatizzata e cuocete fino a che non si rapprende e i gamberetti non sono completamente cotti.
Add the sauce and keep on stir frying till it becomes thick and the shrimps are cooked. I advice to let the food cool and eat it with your hands…getting dirty is fun, isn't it?
Add the sauce and keep on stir frying till it becomes thick and the shrimps are cooked. I advice to let the food cool and eat it with your hands…getting dirty is fun, isn't it?
Mangiate con le mani, se ci si sporca un po' e' meglio no?
Gustatevi anche la videoricetta!
English video recipe
Se la prima dose di zenzero non avesse ancora fatto effetto….
If the first dose of ginger did not work out...
If the first dose of ginger did not work out...
Ingredienti: 100gr di cioccolato fondente, 3 uova (2 tuorli e 3 albumi), un cucchiaio di panna, zucchero a velo, zenzero in polvere.
Ingredients: 100gr of dark chocolate, 3 eggs (2 yolks and 3 whites), a spoon of cream, powdered sugar, powdered ginger.
Ingredients: 100gr of dark chocolate, 3 eggs (2 yolks and 3 whites), a spoon of cream, powdered sugar, powdered ginger.
Fate sciogliere a bagnomaria il cioccolato aggiungendo un cucchiaio di panna. Lasciatelo raffreddare qualche minuto e amalgamatelo ai tuorli di uovo, due cucchiai di zucchero a velo e un cucchiaino di zenzero in polvere. Poi montante a neve gli albumi e accorpateli al resto del composto mescolando con una spatola.
Melt bain-marie the chocolate adding a spoon of cream. Let it cool for a few minutes and mix it with the egg yolks, two spoons of powdered sugar and a little spoon of ginger. Whip the egg whites and mix them with the batter with a spatula.
Melt bain-marie the chocolate adding a spoon of cream. Let it cool for a few minutes and mix it with the egg yolks, two spoons of powdered sugar and a little spoon of ginger. Whip the egg whites and mix them with the batter with a spatula.
Versate in flute da champagne e mettete in frigo per almeno 3 ore. Sbizzarritevi nella presentazione…sapete voi come vi piace :) io ho usato un pezzettino di zenzero candito!
Pour the mousse in the champagne glasses and put them in the fridge for at least three hours. For the presentation you can use candied ginger….you can't ever use enough ginger right? :)
Pour the mousse in the champagne glasses and put them in the fridge for at least three hours. For the presentation you can use candied ginger….you can't ever use enough ginger right? :)
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