La giornalista e scrittrice Liz Gilbert dopo una crisi personale dovuta ad un brutto divorzio ha deciso di partire per un viaggio sia fisico che introspettivo e ne ha raccontato le fasi salienti in un libro.
The American journalist/writer Liz Gilbert decides to leave New York after a personal crisis caused by a divorce and starts a journey both fiscal and psychological around the world: she tells all about it in the book Eat Pray Love.
The American journalist/writer Liz Gilbert decides to leave New York after a personal crisis caused by a divorce and starts a journey both fiscal and psychological around the world: she tells all about it in the book Eat Pray Love.
Mangia Prega Ama narra del suo anno lontano da New York: 4 mesi a Roma per ritrovare l'appetito per la vita (e provare tutte le leccornie della cucina romana), 4 in India in un ritiro spirituale per imparare a pregare, 4 a Bali alla ricerca del proprio equilibrio personale trovato anche, fortunatamente per lei e per il suo libro, grazie all'amore per quello che poi diventerà il suo secondo marito.
Her one year trip brings her four months to Rome to look again for her appetite for life (and to taste all the fantastic roman cuisine recipes), four months in India to learn how to pray, four months to Bali to recoup her personal balance. Luckily for her, and for her book's sales, in Bali she also finds a new love.
Her one year trip brings her four months to Rome to look again for her appetite for life (and to taste all the fantastic roman cuisine recipes), four months in India to learn how to pray, four months to Bali to recoup her personal balance. Luckily for her, and for her book's sales, in Bali she also finds a new love.
Tutte e tre queste nazioni hanno delle grandi tradizioni culinarie lo ribadisce Ryan Murphy, il regista del film tratto dal libro, nelle meravigliose inquadrature in cui Julia Roberts, nel ruolo della Gilbert, si gusta le sue scoperte gastronomiche.
These three countries have great gastronomic traditions and the director of the movie based on the book, Ryan Murphy, shows it very well in many scenes where the protagonist Julia Roberts eats all possible food delicacies!
These three countries have great gastronomic traditions and the director of the movie based on the book, Ryan Murphy, shows it very well in many scenes where the protagonist Julia Roberts eats all possible food delicacies!
Per questa serata piacevole ed introspettiva che vi porta in un viaggio virtuale in tre magnifiche location vi consiglio un menu che presenti piatti presi dalle tre nazioni che Liz visita!
For an entertaining and, at the same time, spiritual evening that will take you in a virtual journey in three fantastic locations I advice a menu that includes a dish from each one of these countries.
For an entertaining and, at the same time, spiritual evening that will take you in a virtual journey in three fantastic locations I advice a menu that includes a dish from each one of these countries.
La carbonara è uno dei piatti principi della tradizione romana, che può avere tantissime varianti. Per Liz niente di meglio della carbonara vegetariana per prepararsi (a gradi :) al suo viaggio di purificazione in India!
Carbonara is one pf the most love dishes of the Roman cooking tradition, and it can be served in many variations. For Liz nothing could be better of a vegetarian carbonara to get ready (step by step :) for her purification trip to India.
La carbonara è uno dei piatti principi della tradizione romana, che può avere tantissime varianti. Per Liz niente di meglio della carbonara vegetariana per prepararsi (a gradi :) al suo viaggio di purificazione in India!
Carbonara is one pf the most love dishes of the Roman cooking tradition, and it can be served in many variations. For Liz nothing could be better of a vegetarian carbonara to get ready (step by step :) for her purification trip to India.
Ingredienti per 4 persone: 400 gr di tagliatelle, 3 zucchine, un mazzetto di asparagi, 1 cipolla, 4 uova (2 intere e 2 tuorli), 100 gr di pecorino, olio, sale e pepe.
Ingredients for 4 persons: 400gr of tagliatelle, 3 zucchini, a bunch of asparagus, 1 onion, 4 eggs (2 whole and 2 yolks), 100gr of pecorino, oil, salt and pepper.
Ingredients for 4 persons: 400gr of tagliatelle, 3 zucchini, a bunch of asparagus, 1 onion, 4 eggs (2 whole and 2 yolks), 100gr of pecorino, oil, salt and pepper.
Prima di tutto fate sbollentare gli asparagi in acqua salata, poi metteteli in una padella con la cipolla tagliata grossolanamente ad imbiondire. Contemporaneamente, in un'altra padella, soffriggete in un po' di olio le zucchine tagliate a rondelle fino a che non diventano dorate.
First of all, you need to boil the asparagus in salde water, put them in a pan with sliced onion till it gets golden. In the meanwhile, in another pan, lightly fry the zucchini in a little oil.
Una volta pronte le zucchine vanno messe nella padella con il resto della verdura e saltate per qualche istante in modo che si insaporiscano.
Once zucchini are ready, put them in the pan with the rest of the vegetables and mix them for a few minutes to exchange flavors.

Cook pasta in a lot of bowling salted water and in the meantime mix the eggs with pecorino cheese adding salt and pepper. Pasta needs to be drained a couple of minutes in advance because it has to cook in the vegetables' pan on an high flame. Turn off the flame and add the eggs with the cheese. Add more salt and pepper if you like.
Siamo pronti per servire! Io ho tenuto da parte delle punte di asparago cotte e dei fiori di zucchina che mi hanno aiutato ad impiattare.
We are ready to serve! I kept aside a few asparagus' and zucchini flowers for the plating.
Le samosa sono degli sfiziosi fagottini di pasta ripieni di verdure e spezie. Se vi piace questa versione li potete fare anche con altri ripieni, inoltre potete scegliere se friggerli o cuocerli al forno.
Samosas are very tasty appetizers: you can prepare them using only vegetables like I did or with a different filling. You can also choose if you want to fry them or bake them.
Samosas are very tasty appetizers: you can prepare them using only vegetables like I did or with a different filling. You can also choose if you want to fry them or bake them.
Ingredienti: 170gr di farina, 3 cucchiai di olio, acqua q.b., sale, 120gr di patate, 120gr di piselli, 1/2 cipolla, aglio, zenzero, cumino, peperoncino, cannella, cardamomo, sale, pepe.
Ingredients: 170gr of all purpose flour, 3 spoons of oil, water, salt, 120gr of potatoes, 120gr of peas, 1/2 onion, garlic, cumin seeds, ginger, red pepper flakes, cinnamon, cardamom, salt, pepper.
Ingredients: 170gr of all purpose flour, 3 spoons of oil, water, salt, 120gr of potatoes, 120gr of peas, 1/2 onion, garlic, cumin seeds, ginger, red pepper flakes, cinnamon, cardamom, salt, pepper.
Preparate la pasta aggiungendo tre cucchiai di olio alla farina, un pizzico di sale e mescolando bene. Poi versate acqua un po' alla volta per impastare e create una pallina da mettere in frigo per circa un'ora.
Prepare the dough adding to the flour three spoons of oil and a pinch of salt. Mix well with your fingertips. Pour a little water and start kneading (add water if needed). Create a ball of dough and put it in the fridge for an hour.
Prepare the dough adding to the flour three spoons of oil and a pinch of salt. Mix well with your fingertips. Pour a little water and start kneading (add water if needed). Create a ball of dough and put it in the fridge for an hour.
Nel frattempo potete procedere con il ripieno: bollite le patate fino a che non siamo tenere e cuocete i piselli nella padella insieme alla cipolla e ad uno spicchio di aglio.
In the meantime prepare the filling: boil the potatoes until they become tender and cook the peas in a pan with the onion and a clove of garlic.
In the meantime prepare the filling: boil the potatoes until they become tender and cook the peas in a pan with the onion and a clove of garlic.
Tagliate a cubetti le patate dopo averle spelate e fatele saltare in padella con i piselli e con le spezie che potete aggiungere a piacere in base al vostro palato. Lasciate raffreddare.
Cut the potatoes after peeling them and add to the pan with the spices that you can dose depending on how much you like them. Let cool.
Cut the potatoes after peeling them and add to the pan with the spices that you can dose depending on how much you like them. Let cool.
Prelevate la pasta dal frigo, create delle palline più piccole e schiacciatele con il matterello facendo dei dischi che poi taglierete a meta'. Create dei coni di pasta, stando molto attenti a fare combaciare i bordi e a chiuderli bene, riempiteli con il ripieno e chiudete.
Make smaller balls from the ball of dough and with the rolling pin create disks at least 15 cm large. Cut them in the middle and make cones adding the filling and having the borders close extremely well.
Make smaller balls from the ball of dough and with the rolling pin create disks at least 15 cm large. Cut them in the middle and make cones adding the filling and having the borders close extremely well.
Potete friggere i coni per 15 minuti fino a che non diventano dorati o cuocerli al forno a 180 gradi per 30/35 minuti. Io li ho fatti al forno.
Fry for 15 minutes or bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 30/35 minutes. I baked them.
Fry for 15 minutes or bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 30/35 minutes. I baked them.
Guarda la video ricetta!
Check out the video recipe in English
Le frittele di banane sono un dessert molto diffuso in Indonesia anche come street food. Sono semplicissime e molto veloci da fare soprattutto quando avete l'olio già pronto per friggere.
Banana fritters are a very much loved dessert and street food in Indonesia. They are easy and fast to prepare most of all when the oil is already on the stove.
Banana fritters are a very much loved dessert and street food in Indonesia. They are easy and fast to prepare most of all when the oil is already on the stove.
Ingredienti: 2 banane sode, 80gr di farina, 1 uovo, 1dl di latte, 3 cucchiai di zucchero, 1 cucchiaio di burro fuso, un goccio di rum.
Ingredients: 2 firm bananas, 80gr of flour, 1 egg, 1dl of milk, 3 spoons of sugar, 1 spoon of melted butter, rum.
Preparate la pastella mescolando farina, latte, zucchero, uovo, burro e rum poi annegateci le banane tagliate a fettine per il lungo fino a che non siano completamente coperte.
Prepare the batter mixing flour, milk, sugar, egg, butter and rum. Plunge the bananas in it after cutting them in long strips.
Prepare the batter mixing flour, milk, sugar, egg, butter and rum. Plunge the bananas in it after cutting them in long strips.
Friggete in olio bollente per una decina di minuti per raggiungere la doratura e servitele calde. Se volete potete accompagnarle con una salsa di cioccolato e del gelato.
Fry in hot oil for 10/15 minutes until they are golden and serve hot. Of you like you can also serve them with chocolate sauce and ice cream.
Fry in hot oil for 10/15 minutes until they are golden and serve hot. Of you like you can also serve them with chocolate sauce and ice cream.
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