Sappiamo tutti che il mangiare bene porta benessere, ma se aspiriamo a migliorare anche il nostro benessere psicologico (proprio come i protagonisti de Il Lato Positivo) dobbiamo cucinare piatti con ingredienti che aumentano la produzione di serotonina ed endorfine che creano nel cervello una sensazione di euforia e felicita'.
We all know that eating well makes your body feel good, but if we also want to improve our psychological wellbeing (just like the protagonists of the movie Silver Linings Playbook) we need to prepare recipes that increase our brain's production of serotonin and endorphins able to create feelings of euphoria and happiness.
We all know that eating well makes your body feel good, but if we also want to improve our psychological wellbeing (just like the protagonists of the movie Silver Linings Playbook) we need to prepare recipes that increase our brain's production of serotonin and endorphins able to create feelings of euphoria and happiness.
Sono tutti ingredienti base della nostra dieta come latticini, uova, pesce (grazie agli Omega3), frutta secca, miele e soprattutto il mitico cioccolato!
The ingredients capable of doing so are all part of our diet: e.g. milk derivates, eggs, fish (thanks to Omega3), nuts, honey and above all chocolate!
The ingredients capable of doing so are all part of our diet: e.g. milk derivates, eggs, fish (thanks to Omega3), nuts, honey and above all chocolate!
Se l'avessero saputo Pat e Tiffany, lui bipolare appena uscito dall'ospedale psichiatrico impegnato nel tentativo di riconquistare la moglie e lei depressa per la morte del marito che usa il sesso per riempire i propri vuoti emotivi, sicuramente al loro primo appuntamento serale non avrebbero ordinato cornflakes e the!
If Pat and Tiffany knew about that probably on their first "dinner" together they would not have ordered cornflakes and tea.
If Pat and Tiffany knew about that probably on their first "dinner" together they would not have ordered cornflakes and tea.
Il film ha un effetto molto positivo grazie alla maestria narrativa del regista David O. Russell (The Fighter e American Hustle) e al grandissimo talento dei protagonisti (Bradley Cooper e Jennifer Lawrence vincitrice dell'Oscar). Guardatevelo una sera accompagnato da questo menu che svilupperà anche serotonina ed endorfine e sicuramente farete il jackpot di positività!
The movie has a very positive effect thanks to the director David O. Russell's skills and to the talent of the actors (Bradley Cooper and Oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence). Watch it while eating this menu that increases serotonin and endorphins and you'll definitely see the silver linings.
The movie has a very positive effect thanks to the director David O. Russell's skills and to the talent of the actors (Bradley Cooper and Oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence). Watch it while eating this menu that increases serotonin and endorphins and you'll definitely see the silver linings.

Ingredients (for 2 persons): 300gr of salmon filet, 1 spoon of rock salt, 2 spoons of minced almonds, 2 spoons of minced hazelnuts, 2 spoons of minced pine nuts, 2 spoons of sesame seeds, 1 spoon of parsley, pepper and olive oil.
Cospargete i filetti di salmone con il sale grosso e lasciateli riposare per circa cinque minuti, nel frattempo mescolate mandorle, nocciole, pinoli tritati, i semi di sesamo, il prezzemolo e il pepe aggiungendo un cucchiaio di olio per amalgamare.
Spread the rock salt on the salmon and let rest for 5 minutes, in the meanwhile mix the minced almonds, hazelnuts, pine nuts and parsley, the sesame seeds and as much pepper as you like adding also a spoon of olive oil.
Spread the rock salt on the salmon and let rest for 5 minutes, in the meanwhile mix the minced almonds, hazelnuts, pine nuts and parsley, the sesame seeds and as much pepper as you like adding also a spoon of olive oil.
Togliete il sale dal salmone e lavatelo sotto acqua corrente poi cospargetelo con la granella e un altro cucchiaio di olio. Cuoceteli in forno a 180 gradi per circa 8/10 minuti.
Wash the salt off the salmon and cover it with the nuts and another spoon of olive oil. Cook it the oven for 8 to 10 minutes at 180 degrees.
Wash the salt off the salmon and cover it with the nuts and another spoon of olive oil. Cook it the oven for 8 to 10 minutes at 180 degrees.
Un dolce che rende decisamente euforici e molto semplice da preparare, ve lo dimostro nella mia selfie videoricetta :)
A dessert that will definitely make you euphoric and very easy to prepare. I'll show you in the selfie video recipe :)
Videoricetta in italiano
Video Recipe in English
Io ho testato tutte le ricette su di me e sul mio fidanzato e ci sentiamo entrambi molto positivi! Certo sarebbe il caso di ampliare il campione statistico quindi mandatemi i risultati dei vostri esperimenti culinari-psicologici e godetevi il film!
I tested all the above recipes on myself and my boyfriend and we both feel very happy! Of course it would be the case to add a few more people to our statistic so please feel free to send me the results of your psyco-gastronomic experiments and enjoy the movie!
I tested all the above recipes on myself and my boyfriend and we both feel very happy! Of course it would be the case to add a few more people to our statistic so please feel free to send me the results of your psyco-gastronomic experiments and enjoy the movie!
Precioso post, ilustrativo y muy sugerente. Una verdadera delicia leerlo y la receta... genial
RispondiEliminaGrazie mille!!!
EliminaE' appagante guardare il tuo blog, complimenti per le ricette!
RispondiEliminaGrazie Silvana!! Viva il cibo sano e che fa stare bene :)